STARTING SOON: The Total Somatics LIVE Experience

Hello! I hope your week has been ticking along nicely! xx This is a quick message to ask, have you registered for The Total Somatics LIVE Experience? If not, there is still time! Simply click the link below and register your details for the FREE, ONLINE event. If you are unable to watch LIVE, a replay will be emailed to you soon afterward. If you join LIVE, it would be lovely to hear where you are watching from [...]

Your Mindset Matters

Hello! How are you? I cannot believe we have almost completed the first month of the year! Where has that time gone? Thank you for all your lovely comments and feedback from January's podcast theme on Mindset. It has been fantastic to hear how so many of you have found it to be a super booster for the start of the new year. On Saturday, I released the final podcast episode for January, entitled "Your Mindset Matters." [...]