Your Mindset Matters

Hello! How are you? I cannot believe we have almost completed the first month of the year! Where has that time gone? Thank you for all your lovely comments and feedback from January's podcast theme on Mindset. It has been fantastic to hear how so many of you have found it to be a super booster for the start of the new year. On Saturday, I released the final podcast episode for January, entitled "Your Mindset Matters." [...]

Learning how to Improve your Posture & Reduce your Pain

Hello! How are you? Wow! Last week was pretty action packed! I hope you were able to enjoy The 5 day Total Somatics LIVE Experience. It has been amazing hearing from you all and connecting with so many of you within the temporary private Facebook group for the event. The transformations and 'ah ha' moments have been wonderful to hear about too. The membership doors opened for a few days during the event and [...]

Managing our wellbeing & creating resilience during challenging times

As we approach the end of this year, we can certainly say it has been a year we won’t forget for many reasons.  However, as we move forward towards a new year, it allows us the opportunity to recalibrate, reset and move forward with education and skills that can support our emotional, mental and physical health. When we have the Total Somatic education on how and why we feel or behave a certain way, it allows us greater insight into [...]

Your Mind & Body Connection

In this week’s blog we are going to explore the close connection between your mind and body and why you should consider them both when you want to address your health issues and goals. The Close Connection Your mind and body are very closely connected, the one heavily influences the other. Consider for a moment, when you have suffered with emotional or mental struggles and felt completely overwhelmed and low, did you notice how it impacted on your body? Maybe it [...]

muscle tightness

Reducing Muscle Tension & Tightness WITHOUT Stretching

How do we reverse habitually tight muscles which cause pain and limited range of movement without stretching?  It appears to be heavily promoted as the answer to creating a better result for our musculoskeletal health?  But is it?  Consider these two experts in the field of Musculoskeletal health. Video transcript from Dr. Steve Gangemi “The other thing a lot of people like to do when they injure an area… is to stretch the area. When you injure muscles, when you injure [...]