How to Release Neck, Jaw & Shoulder Tension

Hello! How are you? I hope you are well. xx Join me for a free online event where I will address your questions and challenges directly. Submit your questions to with the heading, 'Questions for Heidi.' Once I collect your questions and challenges, I will announce a date and time for us to get together online. Latest Podcast I am pleased to share my latest podcast episode on Releasing Neck, Jaw, and Shoulder Tension.These areas often hold stress, and [...]

Resilience, Mindset & Focus

Hello! How are you? xx It has been a very special week because I have just celebrated my 200th podcast episode. It is thanks to you I continue to create content because I receive so many messages and comments, that it helps me to meet you where you are at with your health and wellbeing. xx To celebrate, here is a very short video.... To celebrate my 200th episode, I invited a good friend to join the show. [...]

Focused Attention & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? I hope you have having a good week. I cannot believe June is coming to a close this week! Wow! The months fly! xx Thank you for so many beautiful comments and feedback, I really love hearing from you. Keep your comments flowing my way. xx EXCITING NEWS!As you may be aware, I have some very exciting and special news that will be announced very soon. There will be an [...]

Embodiment & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is going really well. Thank you for your lovely comments about my recent podcasts, it is great delving into the intelligence we have and how we can harness it for better health. My latest podcast delves further into the subject of embodiment. I mention how incredible our Soma is and recall the intelligence with my sister's recovery. I have since noticed her beautiful comments below the YouTube [...]

Stimulating Environments, Learning & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? I hope you are well. xx I am really exciting about my surprise news which I will tell you as soon as I can!! Many of you keep asking what it could possibly be!! Once it has launched, I will let you know immediately!! The secrecy is killing me!! If you are subscribed to my blogs and podcasts, I will be announcing my incredibly special and exciting announcement [...]