Somatic in September WEEK FOUR

Wow! Where have the weeks gone?! We are into our final week of the theme “Somatic in September.” How have you been during the last few weeks? This week I would like to add a new awareness to our theme. Let me explain more in the following video.   MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE If you are a regular follower of my blog posts on Instagram (total.somatics) or Facebook (Total Somatics) you will know that for many years I have used this expression, Movement [...]

Somatic in September WEEK THREE

Welcome to week 3 of Somatic in September. I hope you have enjoyed the last two weeks with a somatic approach to your activities. Check out my video as I discuss the theme for week 3. SOMATIC MINDFULNESS As we have noticed over the weeks, when we develop an awareness to our internal environment, we heighten our understanding of how we ‘tick.' Thus allowing us to enhance our health and wellbeing and learn what we can do to reduce recurring issues [...]

Somatic in September WEEK TWO

Welcome to week 2 of Somatic in September! I hope you enjoyed bringing somatic awareness into your daily life by first and foremost focusing on creating a self care practise. Consider the following video as I discuss the theme for this week. THE POWER OF THOUGHT This week we are going to consider the power of your thoughts. Within your brain you have an area known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It acts as a filter which influences your perception on [...]

Somatic in September WEEK ONE

Total Somatics created the theme “Somatic in September” a few years ago. As we have already arrived in September (where has this year gone?!) we will continue this theme and consider different areas we can be somatic over the next few weeks. Check out my short video below and allow me to elaborate on this video afterwards….. WEEK ONE - STOP & RECONNECT As I created this theme, I thought of how busy yet productive my year has been. How has your [...]