How to Recharge & Recalibrate

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you have been well. It has been lovely hearing from many of you regarding my upcoming FREE ONLINE event with The Shift Network. The Shift Network has invited me to be part of their teaching faculty. I feel very honoured to be asked. So this week's FREE ONLINE event is a way for people to get to know me, as a new member of their teaching faculty. [...]

Flexibility In Your Nervous System

Hello! xx I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to (hopefully) a restful weekend! xx I have two special announcements! First, you may be aware that in January I will be holding a FREE ONLINE event. If you would like to learn more and register to receive more details closer to the date, CLICK HERE. The second announcement is, that I have opened the membership doors for a few days. The membership doors [...]

Calm Your Mind & Body: Protect & Nurture

Hello! I hope you had a lovely weekend! xx I am writing earlier than usual because I wanted to share my third resource for this 3 part podcast series. It has been great hearing from so many of you. Thank you for contacting me. xx LESS THAN A WEEK TO GO! It is less than a week to go before we connect online for the annual event, The Total Somatics LIVE Experience. It will be lovely [...]

Calm Your Mind & Body: Self Soothe

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx Thank you for your lovely comments and emails, it has been great to be in contact with so many of you. I am so pleased to hear how this current 3 part series on my podcast channel is providing a lot of support with the resources I have shared within the episodes. The countdown is on! NEXT WEEK I will be holding The Total Somatics LIVE Experience. Every [...]

Calm Your Mind & Body

Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is going well. xx From many of your comments and messages, I have created a 3 part podcast series that is suitable for us all, wherever we live in the world. My latest podcast series is all about creating a calm mind and body, something we all need right now, for various reasons. I would also like to invite you to my FREE, ONLINE event which I hold annually [...]