Does Stretching Help With Muscle Pain & Tension?

Hello! xx How is your week going? I hope you are keeping well. xx You may have seen my video on Facebook and Instagram at the weekend of the beautiful sunset over the ocean whilst we enjoyed an evening walk. There are so many opportunities during the day to practice gratitude and this was certainly one of them. If you have a beautiful photo to share, please tag @total.somatics on Instagram and @TotalSomatics on Facebook. I would [...]

Exploring The Emotion of Guilt Somatically

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week and have been enjoying my podcast series over the last few weeks. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, feedback and 'ah ha' moments from what I have been discussing within the episodes. Many of you have asked about the Total Somatics Membership. Periodically, I open registration for the Total Somatics Membership. So if you have been wanting to develop strategies to reduce pain, increase mobility, improve [...]

How Impotence & Haemorrhoids are linked with Stress

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a good week and getting ready for our special month together in May! If you haven't yet signed up to the FREE ONLINE event, please watch the 1 minute video below to find out more! TO REGISTER FOR THIS FREE ONLINE EVENT, CLICK HERE. Stay Connected with The Total SomaticsYou Tube Channel To stay up to date with my weekly podcasts on YOU TUBE, please LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE and press the NOTIFICATION BELL to be the [...]

Addressing Lower Back Pain & A Protruding Belly

Hello! How are you? I have just enjoyed a few really interesting study days in Sydney with Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk. He was delving into Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience. I will be sharing lots with The Total Somatics members, so please look out for more within the Total Somatics Membership. The Total Somatics Membership -doors open soon! If you have been wondering when The Total Somatics membership doors will open again, STAY CONNECTED, VERY SOON I will be making [...]

The Importance of Gratitude & Protecting your Energy

Hello! How are you feeling this week? I hope your first few days of this new month and year are going well xx. As we have many hopes and intentions for the year ahead, one thing we all want is a healthy and resilient mind/body to support us through this coming year. Part of our Total Somatic Health & Wellbeing involves noticing how our emotional wellbeing influences our posture and physiology. This is why I have created The [...]