How your Brain Stress Centre Influences You

Hello! How are you?! xx It has been so wonderful to hear all your brilliant results from the Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatic Movement series. If you would still like to part of this lovely focused month of "Somatic in September" you are really welcome. You have the ability to download all the previous LIVE workshops and the opportunity to join me LIVE this weekend. If you are unable to watch LIVE, you will [...]

How to boost your Brain – part 3

In this week’s blog we will consider the final article of the 3 part series on how to boost your brain.  In the last few weeks we have considered various ways we can improve neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells.  Today we will consider the most powerful way to increase neurogenesis and how easy it is to implement into your daily activities. Exercise Brisk walking, weight bearing exercise and aerobic exercise have all been shown to stimulate neurogenesis.  The reason [...]

How Stress impacts on your Mind and Body. How Somatics can help.

At some point in your life you will suffer with stress and anxiety. At times, events can be very difficult and the stress can last for a long time. When you do suffer with stress, many neurophysiological changes happen. In today’s blog we will look at how stress can affect your neurophysiology and how Somatics can help. The Effects of Stress As a Clinical Somatics Educator, I will often see the effects of stress within a clinical session or a movement [...]


The Power your Mind has over your Body

In this week’s blog I have a video to accompany this article.  I would like to explain how the power of your thoughts and emotions have a huge effect on your physical health and well being. As you know from my previous blogs and in greater detail with my online programs at you cannot separate your mind and body.  They work very closely together.  Your body has a huge influence over your mind plus your mind controls your body.  [...]