The Power of Somatics with Stress, Anxiety & Pain Relief

During the last week I have had a lot of emails regarding my recent blogs discussing emotion and back pain. The questions and queries have come from people who suffer with anxiety, stress and depression. Also many partners of depressed/anxious loved ones have reached out to me. The common thread with their questions links back to muscular pain and tightness associated with dis-empowering beliefs and overwhelming feelings. In today’s blog I am going to discuss with you how Somatics is [...]

How Somatics can help with Scoliosis & Back Pain

Would you like to know how to reduce your back pain? Do you feel you are in a constant cycle of taking pain killers and relying on therapists to ‘fix’ you, only to return a short time later to be treat the same issue again? In today’s blog we are going to consider how Somatics can help with back pain and in particular scoliosis. What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis is a side bending or lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis can present with [...]

Week 4 – Somatic In September

How much are you worth? In this week’s blog we are going to consider the subject of scheduling time for yourself. We will consider how much value you put on yourself and how shifting your mindset can help towards a positive health routine. Check out this week’s video….. Do you often find that your daily somatics practise is pushed to the back of your ‘to do’ list? Do you place other people or tasks ahead of your practise? Do you say that [...]

Week 3 – Somatic in September

Somatic Breathing and Pain Relief In this week’s blog we are going to consider the importance of breathing and how shallow breathing can create a host of problems which cause us pain. Check out my video for this week..... Somatic Awareness to Breathing In the last two weeks we have considered the influence that the lack of movement and our emotional state can have on our posture, pain level and mobility. Today I would like to reveal why releasing tension through your rib [...]

Week 2 – Somatic In September

How movement and emotion are linked In this week’s blog I will be developing another area of ‘Somatic in September’ and combining it with 'R U OK?' On Thursday 13th September, Australia has a day known as “R U OK?” It is designed to increase awareness of mental health. If you are living outside of Australia, this day is still worth considering as mental health is a subject we must all be aware of and sensitive to. In the following video [...]