Exploring The Emotion of Guilt Somatically

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week and have been enjoying my podcast series over the last few weeks. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, feedback and 'ah ha' moments from what I have been discussing within the episodes. Many of you have asked about the Total Somatics Membership. Periodically, I open registration for the Total Somatics Membership. So if you have been wanting to develop strategies to reduce pain, increase mobility, improve [...]

“How can I improve my Walking?”

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx Thank you for your wonderful messages. It has been fantastic hearing how The Somatic Movement & Mindset podcast has been helping you to unpack how your subconscious is patterning muscle tension and tone. Keep your comments flowing my way! I love hearing from you. xx Special event happening soon! Stay connected to The Somatic Movement & Mindset podcast because I will be announcing within the episodes a [...]

The Importance of Mindful Eating

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week. xx This week the Total Somatics members had a guest expert workshop with Suz Jeffreys. Suz delved into the importance of mindful eating to nourish our health and wellbeing. It was fantastic being part of this enlightening workshop. It was such a great workshop that I asked her to stay on so I could interview her for Somatic Movement & Mindset Podcast. This [...]

The Benefits of Somatic Movement

If you are a regular reader of my blogs and also a member of The Total Somatics online program , you will know that I often refer to movement as medicine.  In this week’s blog we will discover the benefits of somatic movement and why it is so important to include it into your daily activities. Movement and Mood Many people recognise that our emotional health can influence our movement, however, many may not realise that movement can also have a [...]

Why Movement is Medicine

Over the years whilst teaching clients about Somatic movement I have often use the expression “Movement is Medicine.” It is an expression I use often within my social media posts too (Instagram: total.somatics and Facebook: @totalsomatics). In today’s blog we are going to look at why movement is medicine. Mental Health Awareness I am sure you would agree we live at a time where mental health is being discussed openly and barriers are being broken down. However it is always good [...]