How to support your mind & body during turbulent times – Week 3

Hello, I hope you are well and having a good week. As you may be aware by now, during the month of August, I am highlighting different areas we can consider that will help us to take care during turbulent times. As we continue with this focus, I would like to provide additional support and resources to assist you. In today’s blog I will be providing podcast episodes to highlight why it is important to take care of your mental [...]

The Missing Link within the treatment of Back Pain

In this blog, I will be delving into the subject of back pain.  We will consider situations within my clinical practice and how you can take those lessons and apply them into your own situation. The buzz word! For many years I've heard the latest buzz word, from “weak” to “fragile”  to “activate” and the list goes on!  One buzz word and opinion which has been around for many years is to strengthen muscles to treat back pain.  If you are [...]

How does your environment influence your wellbeing?

In this week’s blog I would like to highlight a common subjects that have been raised many times in recent months.  I have created a short video for you.  Within this video are a few points to consider and also an invitation to an upcoming event. Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? Do you know the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat? When you consider the actions of a thermometer, it reacts to the environment and you see it [...]

How to manage pain & move with ease

The biggest question I am asked as a Clinical Somatic Educator and Somatic Movement teacher is “how can I manage my pain and move with ease?”  In today’s blog I will explain with some basic neuroscience how you can manage pain and move with ease. Is pain the enemy? Many people view pain as the enemy.  Granted, if you have struggled for years with pain, you will feel it is an enemy and holds you back.  However, how would you feel [...]

Are you stuck in a rut? Are your habits holding you back? Let me show you HOW that can change for YOU.

Total Somatics' Mindful in May - WEEK 3 Hello, how are you keeping?  I hope you have had a good week and feeling the benefits of week one’s mindful breathing practice (plus an additional practice for members) and also for the Tower Twist movement last week. Regarding last week, did you as a member of Total Somatics online find watching the recorded live workshop from Saturday 2nd May 2020 helpful to recap over?  Were there some take away points that I [...]