Reduce Pain, Improve Posture & Increase Mobility

This is ACTION WEEK! For week 4 of Mindful in May, watch the following video to bring everything together. If have already been watching the last two LIVE Total Somatics Events, you will know that I am delving into why and how you develop recurring pain, how your stress reactions and breathing are impacted, creating global pain and/or discomfort. If you haven't signed up to The 5 Day Total Somatics LIVE Experience, there is still time. The replays will be [...]

How to reduce back, hip, shoulder & neck pain.

Oh my goodness, the time is certainly flying by! It has been wonderful seeing so many of you signing up to take part in The 5 Day Total Somatics LIVE Experience. Many of you have also remarked on the extra gift you receive once you sign up, to really help create FOCUS & CLARITY during your 5 day LIVE experience with me. This week, I would like to start bringing what we have learned already and combining your [...]

How to improve back pain & movement

Hello! How are you? These weekly blogs come round very quickly! I would like to say thank you to many of you that have contacted me this week, it is so encouraging to see photos and hear wonderful reports of how Total Somatics is creating huge shifts, changes and transformations in your life. Always remember, your amazing mind and body has such intelligence and capacity to heal, improve, always aiming for a state of balance. [...]

Back Pain & how to manage it

Hello, how are you keeping? Recently I held one of the monthly members' workshop online and it was great revisiting the foundations of somatic movement and the principles. Interestingly enough, there are members that have been with Total Somatics for several years and they mentioned the workshop opened their eyes to a whole new area of their muscle, fascia and nerve health. That is what is great about The Total Somatics Membership, I keep up to [...]

The Self Management of Chronic Pain

Hello there! How are you? Thank you to many of you for your lovely comments about my podcasts. It is so nice to hear many of you are having those "aha" moments, gaining a deeper insight in to why you have recurring pain and more importantly knowing, learning and applying the skills taught within Total Somatics to reduce your pain, improve your posture, increase your mobility and gain a deeper level of awareness to your daily [...]