The Self Management of Chronic Pain

Hello there! How are you? Thank you to many of you for your lovely comments about my podcasts. It is so nice to hear many of you are having those "aha" moments, gaining a deeper insight in to why you have recurring pain and more importantly knowing, learning and applying the skills taught within Total Somatics to reduce your pain, improve your posture, increase your mobility and gain a deeper level of awareness to your daily [...]

How is your posture serving you?

Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping well. In this week’s blog and podcast I would like to highlight the importance of your posture. The way you stand, sit, move, think and behave has a profound effect on your muscles and posture. I would like to ask you, how is your posture serving you? Do you feel you move freely? Do you feel smoothness and rhythm with your walking, running and other activities? Do you feel pain, [...]

Breaking the cycle of pain & limited mobility

Hello, how have you been this week? I hope you are keeping well. Recently I was invited to present online to The international Pain and Rehab summit. Within the summit I discussed how people think recurring pain is a new norm they have to live with. However, when we consider that the level of tension, they way you move, your perception of pain, the mindset you develop can be shifted and a new way can be adopted, I am [...]

Why do you have recurring pain & Injuries?

Somatic in September 2020 Hello!  How have you been throughout the week?  It has been fantastic to connect with you over the last couple of weeks.  If you haven’t joined the Somatic in September 2020 private Facebook group, there is still plenty of time!  It is available to join with content for you to view until the end of September 2020.  This private Facebook group has been created to support ones who would like focus and clarity in the [...]

What is your dominant posture?

SOMATIC IN SEPTEMBER - WEEK 2 Hello! How have you been throughout the week? It has been fantastic to connect with you. If you haven’t joined my the Somatic in September 2020 private Facebook group, there is still plenty of time. It is available to join until the end of September 2020. This private Facebook group has been created to support ones who would like focus and clarity in the areas of pain relief, improved movement and better posture. [...]