Are you in tune with your Mind & Body?

Over the years many people develop injuries, undergo surgeries and encounter stress and health diagnoses which contribute towards added pressure and trauma to their SOMA or whole person. In today’s blog I am going to discuss how we can overcome this issue and I have provided a 45 minute detailed soma scan with arch and flatten to increase awareness to how your soma is moving, sensing and feeling. Family Dynamics Firstly I am going to discuss family dynamics. If you find [...]

Take care for your own health and wellbeing

As we approach the end of the year, life can get very challenging. If you are heavily involved in Christmas and New Year preparations, this time of the year can actually be very exhausting. The tips and advice I will share with you today are applicable for all year round. Be Organised. Whatever your plans are for the holidays, ensure you are organised. This will stop you from having to battle with short tempered, stressed out shoppers in shopping malls. Always [...]

Cells that fire together, wire together

“Cells that fire together, wire together.” The power of Somatics & Neuroplasticity. In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the fascinating and ever expanding (no pun intended!) subject of Neuroplasticity. Back in 1949, the psychologist Donald Hebb became known as the father of the field of Neuropsychology and created the expression “cells that fire together, wire together.” He introduced us to the subject of Neuroplasticity. So what is Neuroplasticity? Basically it is a general term used to describe the fact that the [...]

What is the difference between Stretching and Pandiculation?

Pandiculation and stretching are very different. In today’s blog I am going to discuss the differences between the two and provide a very interesting video to show the science behind pandiculation and why it is a much more intelligent process to release and lengthen chronically tight muscles. When I teach pandiculation to clients, they look intrigued how such small intricate movements can have such a profound effect on muscles. We live in an era where the expression “No pain, No gain” or [...]

Is Somatics for you?

In this week’s blog I have included a video which has been available on my Total Somatics Facebook page. I receive many questions about Somatics and so I will be creating videos to answer your questions. Many ask if Somatics is for a specific age group. The answer is No. Somatics is for all ages. Enjoy my video which accompanies this blog at the end of this article…. When I am teaching Mindfulness with Total Somatics sessions online I often [...]