What is Clinical Somatic Movement? What is it not?

Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is running smoothly. Thank you for all your messages and questions. It has been wonderful connecting with so many of you. One of the interesting conversations and topics that continues to be discussed since my podcast with Dr Sarah Wilson ND a few weeks ago, is defining Clinical Somatic Movement. The word 'Somatic' is being used a lot nowadays because it is a key [...]

The Importance of Making Somatic Movements Slow & Small

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a wonderful week, so far. xx Thank you for sending all your questions and challenges through. I am working through them methodically and it is allowing me to see what you would like me to cover in my FREE ONLINE event which I will announce closer to the date. The second half of this year will be action packed, full of lots of exciting events and announcements. So [...]

Addressing Weight Transfer through your Feet

Hello! How are you? xx How is your week going? I hope things are running smoothly for you. xx I have some lovely news and updates with you. 🎧 Latest Podcast Episode: Addressing Weight Transfer through Your Feet In my latest podcast episode, I delve into the fascinating topic of weight transfer through your feet. It is a subject I cover in detail with many of my clients, both online and in my clinic. It is a really [...]

How to Release Neck, Jaw & Shoulder Tension

Hello! How are you? I hope you are well. xx Join me for a free online event where I will address your questions and challenges directly. Submit your questions to support@totalsomatics.com with the heading, 'Questions for Heidi.' Once I collect your questions and challenges, I will announce a date and time for us to get together online. Latest Podcast I am pleased to share my latest podcast episode on Releasing Neck, Jaw, and Shoulder Tension.These areas often hold stress, and [...]

Focused Attention & Clinical Somatic Movement

Hello! How are you? I hope you have having a good week. I cannot believe June is coming to a close this week! Wow! The months fly! xx Thank you for so many beautiful comments and feedback, I really love hearing from you. Keep your comments flowing my way. xx EXCITING NEWS!As you may be aware, I have some very exciting and special news that will be announced very soon. There will be an [...]