Exploring The Emotion of Guilt Somatically

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week and have been enjoying my podcast series over the last few weeks. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, feedback and 'ah ha' moments from what I have been discussing within the episodes. Many of you have asked about the Total Somatics Membership. Periodically, I open registration for the Total Somatics Membership. So if you have been wanting to develop strategies to reduce pain, increase mobility, improve [...]

The Results of Suppressing your Emotions

Hello! How has your week been so far? I hope you are well. I have had some wonderful messages from people about the latest new digital course I have released entitled 'Release tight hips & back series.' Many have said within 7 to 10 days they have noticed profound changes in their range of movement, a reduction in pain, less hesitancy when moving and the video series also highlighted how much their breathing improved [...]

The Importance of Belly Breathing for Stress & Pain Reduction

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the strong link between stress, pain and belly breathing. You will learn how stress occurs within our mind and body, how this translates to pain and why belly breathing is an important approach to reversing many stress and pain related issues. Stress Stress certainly doesn’t need much of an introduction. We have all endured various levels of stress in our life and we can guarantee it will occur again. But is it [...]