Getting to the ROOT CAUSE of Pain & Stress with Somatics

Somatic Movement and Education continues to mushroom in popularity as an approach to reducing pain and improving mobility throughout the world. The powerful effects felt from Somatics is thanks to our amazing mind and body, in particular our nervous system. In this blog, we are going to look at what the main parts of our nervous system do and how Somatics can help support a healthy and resilient soma (mind and body). In order to fully understand your amazing soma, [...]

Learn How To Move Freely With Less Pain

In this week’s blog we are going to look at how our modern day lifestyle has contributed towards ridigity and pain in our muscles and joints. Creatures of habit Consider what you do on a daily basis. We are creatures of habit and thrive on routine. You may sit on a train or other modes of transport, possibly looking down at your phone or book. You may sit at a desk most of the day. You may stand at your desk [...]

Use Somatics to Reduce Pain, Improve Posture, Increase Mobility & Get to the ROOT CAUSE.

In this week’s blog I am going to teach you why somatics gets to the root cause of aches, pain, stiffness, poor posture and limited mobility. You will learn that it all starts with how our brain communicates to our muscles and what we can do to reverse very common problems people experience on a daily basis. Creating Intelligent Change Within Our Body Using Somatics Here is an image of the sensory motor cortex also known as the brain map or [...]

How to Improve Hip, Back and Knee Issues

In my clinical practice, I see many clients suffering with varying degrees of hips, back and knee issues. They are often in pain and have had investigations which highlight there are no structural abnormalities.  As a result of no significant findings, they are puzzled and unsure what to do next.  In today’s blog we are going to look at why pain and discomfort can occur in these areas and learn how we can remedy the issue. Labels and Limiting beliefs Many [...]

How Somatics can help with Scoliosis & Back Pain

Would you like to know how to reduce your back pain? Do you feel you are in a constant cycle of taking pain killers and relying on therapists to ‘fix’ you, only to return a short time later to be treat the same issue again? In today’s blog we are going to consider how Somatics can help with back pain and in particular scoliosis. What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis is a side bending or lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis can present with [...]