Regain Flexibility, Healthy Posture & Shock Absorbency

Hello! How are you? Thank you for your lovely message during this last week. I have really loved hearing from many of you around the world. It is wonderful to hear how many of the audio classes and workshops within the Total Somatics ONLINE SHOP are creating fantastic benefits to your muscles, joints and overall pain levels. I have lots of EXCITING things to share with you this week! First I would like to share this week's podcast [...]

Can Total Somatics help with Gut Issues?

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week. If you joined me LIVE or watched the REPLAY of the Q&A session, thank you for taking time out of your day to learn how Total Somatics and my ongoing support can help you with your wellbeing intentions and goals. If you missed the deadline for the membership, please leave you details on the WAIT LIST and next year when the doors open again, you [...]

How Total Somatics Transforms Lives – Part 2

Hello! How are you? Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and feedback since last week's episode. It has been so inspiring to see how people around the world have experienced the benefits of Total Somatics with the audio classes available within the ONLINE SHOP. Imagine, how you would feel with even more support within the Total Somatics membership! There will be an opportunity to join the Total Somatics membership for the [...]

Creating an inner calm when life is chaotic

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping well.In recent months, I have been asked to hold online workshops and sessions for businesses around the world. One of the most popular topics I have been asked to discuss and teach on, is how to create an inner calm when life is chaotic. So in order for you to benefit, I thought I would create a podcast episode delving into this subject. If you would like [...]