Movement to improve your Physical and Mental Health

In recent years we have noticed how health professionals are encouraging people to create “lifestyle changes” rather than just focusing on diet and exercise. People are becoming more enlightened and educated in the area of health and wellness to a greater level. In today’s blog we are going to consider how movement has such a powerful effect on our physical and mental health. As a Somatics educator, I teach my clients the link between our emotional/mental and physical health. Whatever happens [...]

The Link Between Stress, Mindfulness and Your Health

The word “Mindfulness” appears to be everywhere nowadays. In today’s blog we are going to discover why mindfulness has become a widely known and accepted area of health and wellness. We will consider the scientific research conducted in the area of mindfulness. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a technique anybody can adopt. You don’t have to sit under a tree in a fancy pose saying “ohm!” Mindfulness involves the practice of slowing down our frantic daily thoughts/actions and noticing what is [...]

Why developing a positive mindset is crucial for your Health & Well being

In today’s blog we are going to consider why our thoughts have an effect for the good or detriment of our health and well being. As somebody who has an interest in creating a healthier life and mindset, you will know that within the field of Somatics, we know that our mind and what we think, do and say will have a direct effect on our body. We also know whatever happens in or to our body, it has [...]

Can Posture Affect Your Health and Well Being?

In todays’ blog we are going to look at how posture can have a detrimental and also a powerful effect on our physical, emotional and mental health. We will also explore how we can make changes to increase the quality of our life by considering our posture. According to Harvard Medical School, a healthy posture is important for maintaining good balance. When you have a good posture either standing or sitting, your weight transfer is even through your body and [...]

Bringing Total Somatics to You!

If you follow me on Facebook (@totalsomatics) or Instagram (@total_somatics) you will be aware that I have launched a brand new online program. I have packaged together Movement Patterns Part 1 which has been available online for 12 months with the latest program, Movement Patterns Part 2. The two programs allow you 24 weeks online access at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. Together they are known as “The Total Somatics Approach to Health and [...]