Why Pandiculation NOT Stretching Reduces Pain, Improves Posture & Increases Mobility

Over the years we have been told that stretching will help reduce pain and improve our health. However with scientific research, an increased knowledge in the area of pain science and neuroscience, old beliefs around the subject of stretching are starting to be questioned.  In today's blog we are going to look at the science behind stretching and why pandiculation is a much more effective and natural way of releasing muscle tension, reducing pain, improving posture and increasing mobility. The [...]

Week 1 – Somatic In September

What it means to be Somatic & how it can help with Pain and Limited Mobility During September I will be teaching you how we can be somatic during this month and beyond. Allow me to explain what we will be discussing this week in the following video.... Developing Somatic awareness Firstly, what does it mean to be “Somatic” or “Somatically aware?” To be “Somatic” means to be able to observe, sense and feel our internal sensations. When we become “Somatically aware” we are able [...]

Brain Training to Ease Pain & Improve Mobility

In today’s blog I am going to discuss how learning life skills can help deal with pain and limited mobility. Consider this famous quote, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This quote sprang to mind during the week because conversations with my online, in class and clinical clients revolved around how Somatics empowers and educates people in all areas of their health and well [...]

How to Increase Productivity with The Total Somatics Approach to Health and Well Being.

Well we are here! 2018 has arrived! We are all refreshed and focused for an very exciting year ahead. We can have so many good intentions and get carried away without any real structure or plan. In today’s blog we are going to consider areas of our life which may need adjusting in order to live and maintain The Total Somatics Approach to Health and Well being. Can you recall a time when you felt over tired? Life seemed to [...]