Releasing Tension & Rib Rigidity after a Chest Infection

Hello! How are you? xx Here in Australia, we are looking forward to warmer, drier weather because over the long, wet winter, people have been experiencing many recurring respiratory infections. However, in the northern hemisphere, winter has arrived and keeping boosted with your immunity is important. If you experience any respiratory ailments, you will know how impacted your breathing can become after bouts of coughing, sneezing and sleeping upright to ease the coughing fits. This can [...]

The Power of Visualisation with Total Somatics

Hello! How are you? If you joined me during the month of September for the theme 'Release tight hips & back,' thank you for all your feedback and comments. I am still hearing from many of you. It has been so wonderful to hear how quickly the digital course has been releasing a large amount of back pain and hip discomfort. If you missed the month long theme, you will always have the opportunity to purchase [...]

Reducing inflammation & boosting immunity with a Somatic Lifestyle

Hello, how has your week been?  I hope you are keeping safe and well. As many of you may be aware from my recent blogs and podcasts, The Total Somatics online membership has created a “Lifestyle” section to deepen members' awareness to creating a somatic lifestyle.  Over the years, I have found that many clients will practice Somatic Movement, reap the benefits but in a short amount of time, their aches and pains will return.  This is often due to [...]

Mindful in May – Week 1

Wow! I can’t believe we are in to May already! It means only one thing! That’s correct, Total Somatics will be focusing on the Theme of ‘Mindful in May’ for the next 5 Wednesdays. The purpose of this theme is to encourage you to take stock and think about your daily activities. Each week we will look at different ways to be mindful and create a Somatic lifestyle so we can glow and flourish from the inside out. Below is [...]

How to develop Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ‘in’ word at the moment. It has become trendy to tag the word mindfulness on to virtually everything! In today’s blog we are going to actually look at what it means to be mindful and see how we can apply it to our daily life. Working from Within If you practise mindful somatic movement or have recently started reading my blogs and intrigued by what it is, you will know that I often talk about mindset and our [...]