Releasing Tension & Rib Rigidity after a Chest Infection

Hello! How are you? xx Here in Australia, we are looking forward to warmer, drier weather because over the long, wet winter, people have been experiencing many recurring respiratory infections. However, in the northern hemisphere, winter has arrived and keeping boosted with your immunity is important. If you experience any respiratory ailments, you will know how impacted your breathing can become after bouts of coughing, sneezing and sleeping upright to ease the coughing fits. This can [...]

How to reduce back, hip, shoulder & neck pain.

Oh my goodness, the time is certainly flying by! It has been wonderful seeing so many of you signing up to take part in The 5 Day Total Somatics LIVE Experience. Many of you have also remarked on the extra gift you receive once you sign up, to really help create FOCUS & CLARITY during your 5 day LIVE experience with me. This week, I would like to start bringing what we have learned already and combining your [...]