Work Smarter Not Harder To Reduce Pain

Hello! How are you? xx Thank you for all your ongoing lovely comments, emails and feedback. I love hearing from you, so please stay connected. xx Recently, I was working in Sydney and had a really lovely experience at the airport whilst I was waiting for my flight back to Adelaide. In this week's podcast episode, I share how this experience will benefit you because of the comments I received within Sydney airport. TO WATCH this [...]

Addressing underlying issues to Hip & Shoulder pain

Hello! How has your week been? I hope you are well xx Thank you so much for your response to my recent post on The Total Somatics Facebook and Instagram pages. If you are not following my social media pages, you are welcome to find out more in between these blogs and podcasts. CLICK HERE to join Total Somatics on INSTAGRAM. CLICK HERE to join Total Somatics on FACEBOOK Within the post on Facebook and Instagram, I invited [...]

How to reduce back, hip, shoulder & neck pain.

Oh my goodness, the time is certainly flying by! It has been wonderful seeing so many of you signing up to take part in The 5 Day Total Somatics LIVE Experience. Many of you have also remarked on the extra gift you receive once you sign up, to really help create FOCUS & CLARITY during your 5 day LIVE experience with me. This week, I would like to start bringing what we have learned already and combining your [...]

How to deal with neck, back & shoulder pain

Neck, shoulder and back pain are the daily issues I see in my clinic and the main reason people join the Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program at In today’s blog we are going to consider these common complaints and see how Somatics can help identify and address recurring pain. Global pain According to practical pain management (, it is estimated that up to 80% of the US population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. The [...]