Creating Healthy Habits for Good Physical & Mental Health

In today’s blog we are going to discover how creating healthy habits is imperative for good physical and mental health. The Close Link between Physical & Mental Health The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program ( looks at mindset, mindfulness, somatic movement and nutrition in great detail. The knowledge you gain within the program heightens your awareness to how your mind and body are closely connected, you cannot deal with one exclusively. I am sure you have experienced [...]

Get off the Hamster’s wheel and START LIVING!

How was your day today? Was it relaxed? Have you had time to read and enjoy a relaxing walk? Or maybe you’ve had a huge “to do” list? Appointments to attend? Deadlines to meet? Meetings to attend or prepare for? Housework? Homework with children? Dinner to prepare? Clothes to wash and iron? Maybe it is elderly parents to care for and take to hospital appointments? We all live very busy lives and at times we may thrive on the adrenaline [...]

improve posture


SOMATIC in SEPTEMBER Week 1 Hello everybody!  I hope you are all well.  Every week this month I will be sending you a video, additional information to read PLUS audios to listen to so you can start increasing your awareness to various areas of your life. Today I would like to highlight how we stand, walk and hold ourselves.  Check out my video below (apologies for the sound quality) and then after the video allow me to teach you how you can [...]

You are what you think!

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss an area which plays a huge role in how we can improve our overall health and well being.  As someone who has embraced somatics by learning Total Somatics online or in my classes, as a subscriber to my blogs or as a follower on social media; you know that I often highlight the very close link between our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health.  Collectively this is referred to as [...]

The close relationship between Stress and Inflammation

In my previous blog I discussed how we can self manage chronic pain.  Many would agree that one of the main causes for chronic pain stems from inflammation.  But interestingly enough, scientific research in recent times has shown a strong link between stress and inflammation.  I’m sure you would agree that the words inflammation, anti inflammatory, stress and anxiety are expressions used a lot in modern day society.  So it is no surprise that these two key words, ‘stress’ and ‘inflammation’ are [...]