Heidi Hadley2022-08-06T08:41:58+09:30
Hello! How are you? xx
Thank you for continuing to send some wonderful suggestions for future podcast episodes, I am planning in the background the episodes for you! If you would like me to cover some of your burning questions within the area of Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness, please send your questions to me at support@totalsomatics.com and I will create future episodes.
The weeks are fast approaching towards our special month together, September. Every year for many [...]
By Heidi Hadley Blog
back pain, Heidi Hadley CCSE ESMT ISMETA, hip pain, Intentional living, movement, online events, PAIN, pain relief, pandiculation, somatic in september, somatic movement, somatics, stress, stretching, total somatics, total somatics international
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