The Impact of Stress on your Body

Hello! How are you? xx

Thank you for continuing to send some wonderful suggestions for future podcast episodes, I am planning in the background the episodes for you! If you would like me to cover some of your burning questions within the area of Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness, please send your questions to me at and I will create future episodes.

The weeks are fast approaching towards our special month together, September. Every year for many years, Total Somatics has created the theme 'Somatic in September.' It is a month to reset, recalibrate and recuperate as we all enter a new season in the year. I love creating these events. They allow us to stop and take care of ourselves because when we do that, we create a calm, centred inner world which help us move forward and support others because we have refeshed ourselves first.

Release Tight Hips & Ease Back Pain

This year I will be delving into the most popular digital program within the Total Somatics' Online Shop. The digital course is called "Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatics" and has been purchased in 23 countries. It is so fantastic to see Total Somatics serving people globally.

During the month of September, I will delve deeper into each of the 4 Clinical Somatic Movement modules. Each week I will answer your questions, challenges or anything else you would like to know more about within the area of back and hip discomfort with Clinical Somatics. If you have purchased the digital course in the past, you will be invited to join the Zoom session LIVE or watch the REPLAY.

If you are a Total Somatics' member, you will have automatic access because the digital course can be found within the 'Bonus' section of the membership.

By purchasing the digital course, you will keep the program permanently. Over the years of teaching clinical practice and movement, I have found that when people invest in a program, they are more likely to follow through. So that is why this year, "Somatic in September" is focusing on creating intentional living as you move into a new season of the year and bring your awareness back to your physical, emotional, mental and energetic health.

TO PURCHASE the digital program, 'Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatics' and be automatically invited into the LIVE or REPLAY workshops in September, CLICK HERE.

Releasing tension within your Muscles

I am sure you have experienced the effects of stress on your body. This is something I will teach you how to release in greater detail in September with my weekly sessions. However, before you join me in September, enjoy this week's podcast, The Impact of Stress on your Body and find out how the techniques I teach you involve working smarter, not harder with your beautiful body because we are working with your INCREDIBLE brain. When you change your brain to body communication, AMAZING shifts happen.

TO WATCH this week's podcast episode,
The Impact of Stress on your Body,

TO LISTEN to this week's podcast episode,
The Impact of Stress on your Body,

I really look forward to spending September with you and seeing how quickly you can reset your muscle length, create greater range of movement, ease pain and discomfort whilst increasing your awareness to your health and wellbeing with neuromuscular information, advice and tips.


I have created a FREE pdf FAQ guide book. Within the guidebook are additional links to podcast episodes and other resources to build on the answers covered.

To download your FREE FAQ guide book, CLICK HERE.


As always, send your questions to me because I will cover them in future podcast episodes. Leave your questions at

To join the WAIT LIST and be the first to know when registration for the Total Somatics membership opens, CLICK HERE.

To stay connected via social media,
CLICK HERE to join The Total Somatics Facebook page
CLICK HERE to join The Total Somatics Instagram page

Have a brilliant week xx
All my love & best wishes.
Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx

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