Somatic in September WEEK ONE

Total Somatics created the theme “Somatic in September” a few years ago. As we have already arrived in September (where has this year gone?!) we will continue this theme and consider different areas we can be somatic over the next few weeks. Check out my short video below and allow me to elaborate on this video afterwards….. WEEK ONE - STOP & RECONNECT As I created this theme, I thought of how busy yet productive my year has been. How has your [...]

How to Create a Healthy Somatic Mindset

In this week’s blog we are going to discuss why a healthy somatic mindset is important. We will consider a few steps to create a healthy mindset. Before we do, let’s consider a few questions and allow them to start considering this subject. Whilst considering these questions, please direct them to you and no one else. This self reflection is part of uncovering what makes us ‘tick’ as an individual. It allows us to notice patterns of behaviour which may [...]

The Importance of Self Care for your Mental & Physical Health

Self care is very important and in this week’s blog I will be highlighting how we can care for ourselves in a very busy and technological world. If you are a regular reader of my blogs and daily social media posts on instagram (@total.somatics) and Facebook (@totalsomatics), you know that I am an advocate for mental health awareness. In September I will be involved in a sponsored 30km walk over varying terrains for mental health and suicide awareness. I will [...]

Why Movement is Medicine

Over the years whilst teaching clients about Somatic movement I have often use the expression “Movement is Medicine.” It is an expression I use often within my social media posts too (Instagram: total.somatics and Facebook: @totalsomatics). In today’s blog we are going to look at why movement is medicine. Mental Health Awareness I am sure you would agree we live at a time where mental health is being discussed openly and barriers are being broken down. However it is always good [...]

Your Mind & Body Connection

In this week’s blog we are going to explore the close connection between your mind and body and why you should consider them both when you want to address your health issues and goals. The Close Connection Your mind and body are very closely connected, the one heavily influences the other. Consider for a moment, when you have suffered with emotional or mental struggles and felt completely overwhelmed and low, did you notice how it impacted on your body? Maybe it [...]