Effective ways to ease Back pain

Hello! How are you? xx I hope you are having a lovely week. Thank you for your lovely questions and messages. I love hearing from you and how Total Somatics is transforming your life. As many of you have been experiencing, this work is very powerful and creates huge shifts and changes in the quality of your life. If you would like to hear different ones from around the world mention how Total Somatics has helped them, [...]

Total Somatics Workshop in the UK!

Hello! I am really excited to share with you that I will be holding a one off 3 hour workshop in the UK in May 2022. The workshop will also include a 1.5 hour Somatic movement class. No experience is necessary. These movements are very small and subtle, so will suit people with different health issues. If you are able to join me for this workshop, I will teach you how you can adapt [...]


Hello! I hope you have had a wonderful weekend and looking forward to your week ahead. THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! I am really excited for you because I have created this FREE video series which will be released on Wednesday 23rd February. I have created this video series from all your AMAZING questions from the survey I recently released. In order to continue serving you during this video series, I would like to invite you to The Total [...]

The Importance of Harnessing your Mindset

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week and enjoying the content within my weekly podcasts. It has been great hearing from so many around the world. We may live in different countries, however we all still have the same concerns, worries, aches and pains! So to bring Total Somatics to you and deliver what you need is very important. As always, if you have any questions, please [...]

How to create & nurture Resilience when you feel Triggered

Hello! How are you? It has been a busy few weeks as I finish in clinic for the holidays and I also held the last Total Somatics members' workshop for 2021, covering lots of brilliant questions. I am sure you would agree the last few weeks of the year, simply fly by! During the last few weeks I have had AMAZING conversations with lots of people and there has been a great deal of discussion over mindset and [...]