Creating Total Somatic awareness throughout your day for better health

Hello! I hope you have had a brilliant week and are enjoying my weekly podcasts. xx In this week's podcast I discuss how important it is to create a daily Total Somatic awareness to your activities and pursuits. The reason for this is because many of the actions we perform throughout the day are unconscious or subconscious. It is these things that over time, create a cumulative effect on our health and wellbeing. This cumulative effect [...]

Tapping into our body’s self healing properties

Hello, how is your week going? During the last week, it has been fantastic connecting with many of you from around the world with The Total Somatics LIVE Experience online. The workshop series created huge shifts and profound changes for many. It has been wonderful hearing from so many of you and seeing the before and after photos from your Total Somatic Movement practice. The power of our own self healing properties were witnessed and experienced by [...]

Reducing inflammation & boosting immunity with a Somatic Lifestyle

Hello, how has your week been?  I hope you are keeping safe and well. As many of you may be aware from my recent blogs and podcasts, The Total Somatics online membership has created a “Lifestyle” section to deepen members' awareness to creating a somatic lifestyle.  Over the years, I have found that many clients will practice Somatic Movement, reap the benefits but in a short amount of time, their aches and pains will return.  This is often due to [...]

Moving forward in to 2021 with healthy intentions

Hello, how are you?  I hope you are keeping safe and well.  I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has been a year that has thrown many challenges at us.  As nauseating as the expression may be, it has certainly been and continues to be a character building, refining process for us all.  It has opened and exposed us to many areas of our life.  At times, creating opportunities for us to simplify our life and [...]

How to Create a Healthy Somatic Mindset

In this week’s blog we are going to discuss why a healthy somatic mindset is important. We will consider a few steps to create a healthy mindset. Before we do, let’s consider a few questions and allow them to start considering this subject. Whilst considering these questions, please direct them to you and no one else. This self reflection is part of uncovering what makes us ‘tick’ as an individual. It allows us to notice patterns of behaviour which may [...]