Creating Total Somatic awareness throughout your day for better health
Hello! I hope you have had a brilliant week and are enjoying my weekly podcasts. xx
In this week's podcast I discuss how important it is to create a daily Total Somatic awareness to your activities and pursuits. The reason for this is because many of the actions we perform throughout the day are unconscious or subconscious. It is these things that over time, create a cumulative effect on our health and wellbeing. This cumulative effect is what we have a choice to decide, will it be an effect that supports and benefits or is a detriment to our health and wellbeing?
CLICK HERE to enjoy this week's podcast episode, Creating a Total Somatic approach to everyday activities
As the month is racing by, we are fast approaching a very exciting month for you, me and Total Somatics!
I will be holding LIVE events from Monday 24th - Friday 28th May online.
I have created a time that will suit as many countries and both hemispheres! To stay up to date with all the details and the additional support during the week, CLICK HERE to hear first.
I have blocked out my clinic diary for the entire week to support and deliver Total Somatic education and skills to help you reduce pain, improve posture and increase mobility. I am all in to support and serve you during the week, will you be joining me? Could you create time in your week to experience Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness education? CLICK HERE to keep up to date with the announcements within the next week or so.
In the meantime, would you like to get a head start on what we will be going through? If so, experience Total Somatic Movement now with audio classes available within The Total Somatics Online Shop.
Within the online shop, you have the opportunity to experience the fundamentals of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness principles within the 3 part video workshop series. This workshop was very popular and as a result of many requests, it is now available to purchase and own permanently.
CLICK HERE to view the 3 part video workshop and other audio classes available within The Total Somatics Online Shop.
I am really excited for us to connect in May. If you know of family and friends that would also benefit, please spread the word. It is lovely seeing communities connecting within Total Somatics. I look forward to connecting with you and those dear to you.
Have a brilliant week!
Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx