How our Mindset influences the Perception of Pain

In recent years Pain scientists and neuroscientists have declared that our mindset heavily influences our perception of pain. In today’s blog we are going to delve into this fascinating area and understand why this is true. The Brain’s Filtering System Within your brainstem (the unconscious part of your brain) lies a region known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS consists of a bundle of nerves which start at the top of the spinal column and extends upwards by approximately [...]

Creating a Healthy Somatic Mindset during Stressful Times

In last week’s blog I provided practical tools to help you through challenging times. In this week’s blog we are going to look at how we can create somatic mindfulness during stressful times. Modern day challenges We are fortunate to live at a time where labour saving devices have made life very convenient. We are also able to talk to people from the other side of the world with modern technology. However we have also developed a greater sense or urgency [...]

Week 2 – Somatic In September

How movement and emotion are linked In this week’s blog I will be developing another area of ‘Somatic in September’ and combining it with 'R U OK?' On Thursday 13th September, Australia has a day known as “R U OK?” It is designed to increase awareness of mental health. If you are living outside of Australia, this day is still worth considering as mental health is a subject we must all be aware of and sensitive to. In the following video [...]

Week 5 – Mindful In May and beyond!

Developing a Daily Somatics Movement Practise In this week’s blog we will conclude the Theme of ‘Mindful in May’ and look at areas of our life and consider ways to develop The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness. Check out my video below. After the video, allow me to develop this subject further. To support you through the last day in May and on into the future, download the FREE support material by clicking HERE. The Importance of developing a daily somatics [...]

Movement to improve your Physical and Mental Health

In recent years we have noticed how health professionals are encouraging people to create “lifestyle changes” rather than just focusing on diet and exercise. People are becoming more enlightened and educated in the area of health and wellness to a greater level. In today’s blog we are going to consider how movement has such a powerful effect on our physical and mental health. As a Somatics educator, I teach my clients the link between our emotional/mental and physical health. Whatever happens [...]