Calm Your Mind & Body: Protect & Nurture

Hello! I hope you had a lovely weekend! xx I am writing earlier than usual because I wanted to share my third resource for this 3 part podcast series. It has been great hearing from so many of you. Thank you for contacting me. xx LESS THAN A WEEK TO GO! It is less than a week to go before we connect online for the annual event, The Total Somatics LIVE Experience. It will be lovely [...]

Protect your Energy

Hello and welcome back to this month's special series of Mindful in May. I hope you enjoyed my last podcast episode with Melanie Cool. It was a very inspiring way to begin May. If you are a member of The Total Somatics community, go to the "Lifestyle/Experts" section within the membership to watch Melanie's workshop on REPLAY, it was awesome! As we begin this week, could you consider ways to protect and care for your energy? [...]

Epigenetics – you are in the driving seat!

Hello, how are you?  I hope you are keeping well.  This week I would like to ask you, do you think you can change your genes?  Do you think your genetics and family history are “set in stone?”  In this week’s blog I would like to provide a podcast to explain how your genes are not your destiny!  The science of epigenetics has also made it clear that there are two mechanisms by which organisms pass on hereditary information, [...]