Look after your brain & it will take care of you

In this week’s blog we are going to consider our absolutely amazing brain.  We will consider how we can truly take care of it, so it can look after us. We will also consider how Somatics can help towards taking care of ourselves from the inside out. Daily demands As we have learned in the last two weeks with my previous blogs, we are creatures of habit and most of our activities highlight how much we operate unconsciously.  This is [...]

How Somatics can help Anxiety

On Thursday 10th October 2019 it is World Mental Health Day. As an advocate for mental health awareness, I feel it is good to have a day to raise awareness and remove any misconceptions. So in today’s blog we are going to consider Mental Health and look at ways we can use Total Somatics to help alleviate certain symptoms. Mental Health Did you know that in 2017, globally it was estimated that 970 million people had a mental or substance use [...]

Words have Power

Words have always played a crucial role in human history, from the written and spoken word to sign language. Whatever your method, words carry a lot of weight. In this week’s blog we are going to consider the power of your words and how they can impact on you. Your amazing mind Words have created wars and peace around the world over the years. They are powerful and will affect many people as a result. However we are going to consider [...]

Somatic in September WEEK THREE

Welcome to week 3 of Somatic in September. I hope you have enjoyed the last two weeks with a somatic approach to your activities. Check out my video as I discuss the theme for week 3. SOMATIC MINDFULNESS As we have noticed over the weeks, when we develop an awareness to our internal environment, we heighten our understanding of how we ‘tick.' Thus allowing us to enhance our health and wellbeing and learn what we can do to reduce recurring issues [...]

Somatic in September WEEK TWO

Welcome to week 2 of Somatic in September! I hope you enjoyed bringing somatic awareness into your daily life by first and foremost focusing on creating a self care practise. Consider the following video as I discuss the theme for this week. THE POWER OF THOUGHT This week we are going to consider the power of your thoughts. Within your brain you have an area known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It acts as a filter which influences your perception on [...]