The Results of Suppressing your Emotions
Hello! How has your week been so far? I hope you are well. I have had some wonderful messages from people about the latest new digital course I have released entitled 'Release tight hips & back series.' Many have said within 7 to 10 days they have noticed profound changes in their range of movement, a reduction in pain, less hesitancy when moving and the video series also highlighted how much their breathing improved once they started addressing their deep hip flexor muscles. Within the video series (digital course), you will understand the close link between your breathing and hip flexors. More importantly, with the knowledge, I also teach you skills of how to gain greater movement within your hip flexors, back and an improvement in the quality of your breathing.
'Release tight hips & back series' CLICK HERE
Interestingly, this week's podcast also ties in with the 'Release tight hips & back series' because if you are familiar with previous podcast episodes, you will be aware that a lot of our emotion is stored deep within your centre. The centre includes your hip flexors, waist muscles, back and bum muscles. The brainstem stress reflexes we create begin from our centre and ripple out.
In this week's podcast, I delve into what REALLY happens when you suppress your emotions. As you will learn from this episode, we develop learned behaviours and coping mechanisms, which at times don't serve us well.
TO WATCH the latest episode, What REALLY happens when you Suppress your Emotions, CLICK HERE
TO LISTEN to this week's podcast, What REALLY happens when you Suppress your Emotions, CLICK HERE
In order to increase your awareness to these powerful areas of Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW and enjoy the additional FREE resources I have created.
CLICK HERE to watch the FREE Webinar and learn how to improve movement, posture, pain and mindset.
CLICK HERE to watch the Total Somatics FREE challenge which covers the areas of Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness.
To join the WAIT LIST for the Total Somatics Membership, CLICK HERE
Have a wonderful week.
As always, you can stay connected with me via social media
CLICK HERE to join me on Instagram.
CLICK HERE to join me on Facebook.
All my love and best wishes.
Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx