How to support your mind & body during turbulent times – Week 3

Hello, I hope you are well and having a good week. As you may be aware by now, during the month of August, I am highlighting different areas we can consider that will help us to take care during turbulent times.    As we continue with this focus, I would like to provide additional support and resources to assist you.  In today’s blog I will be providing podcast episodes to highlight why it is important to take care of your mental [...]

How to be a Habit Breaker!

If you are a regular reader of my blogs, you will know I often discuss how we live the majority of our day unconsciously or subconsciously.  From driving to work and wondering how on earth we arrived, to questioning whether we switched the iron off or not before leaving the house!  We do things subconsciously all the time.  However, in this week’s blog we are going to consider how some of our habits can be drivers for keeping us [...]

Managing your Emotional, Mental & Physical Health

With ongoing fear and uncertainty, many people are finding that they have good days and not so good days.  The waves of different emotions hit them at various times.  In this week’s blog we will consider how powerful your thoughts and emotions are.  We will consider how they impact on your physical health and consider how you can manage your emotional, mental and physical health. The power of your mind and body If you are a regular reader of my blogs [...]

Words have Power

Words have always played a crucial role in human history, from the written and spoken word to sign language. Whatever your method, words carry a lot of weight. In this week’s blog we are going to consider the power of your words and how they can impact on you. Your amazing mind Words have created wars and peace around the world over the years. They are powerful and will affect many people as a result. However we are going to consider [...]

The Power of Pandiculation

In todays’ blog we are going to look at why the three step process used within Somatics known as pandiculation helps to release chronically tight muscles which reduces pain, allows you to move freely and improves your posture. Pandiculation Pandiculation is such a funky word and It rolls off the tongue! Pandiculation is the 3 step process used within somatics to release chronically tight muscles to allow for free movement, improved posture and a reduction in pain. Let me explain what [...]