Gaining insight into your AMAZING mind

Hello, how is you week going? I hope you are keeping safe and well. Recently I held The Total Somatics LIVE experience with 3 workshops covering all areas of your health and wellbeing. Very soon I will be offering something special in relation to The Total Somatics LIVE Experience, so look out for an upcoming blog for more details! Within the entire Experience, one thing I think we all can recall is the AMAZING power our mind has. [...]

How is your posture serving you?

Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping well. In this week’s blog and podcast I would like to highlight the importance of your posture. The way you stand, sit, move, think and behave has a profound effect on your muscles and posture. I would like to ask you, how is your posture serving you? Do you feel you move freely? Do you feel smoothness and rhythm with your walking, running and other activities? Do you feel pain, [...]

How Stress & Inflammation are connected

Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping well. During the last few weeks I have been involved in online interviews with different organisations. They have been asking me how the current world climate and our own emotional, mental and physical health can influence wellbeing. On top of this, earlier in the week I was asked to present a webinar to practitioners around Australia and the subject was centred around a fascinating field of psychoneuroimmunology. Very soon I [...]

What is your dominant posture?

SOMATIC IN SEPTEMBER - WEEK 2 Hello! How have you been throughout the week? It has been fantastic to connect with you. If you haven’t joined my the Somatic in September 2020 private Facebook group, there is still plenty of time. It is available to join until the end of September 2020. This private Facebook group has been created to support ones who would like focus and clarity in the areas of pain relief, improved movement and better posture. [...]

How Somatics can help Anxiety

On Thursday 10th October 2019 it is World Mental Health Day. As an advocate for mental health awareness, I feel it is good to have a day to raise awareness and remove any misconceptions. So in today’s blog we are going to consider Mental Health and look at ways we can use Total Somatics to help alleviate certain symptoms. Mental Health Did you know that in 2017, globally it was estimated that 970 million people had a mental or substance use [...]