Reducing Tension & Pain with Somatics

Have you ever felt so anxious, overwhelmed or annoyed that after the event you feel completely exhausted and your body feels like it has been through an ordeal with specific symptoms? In today’s blog we are going to look at how stress can create disharmony for our mind and body. We will also look at why Somatics is growing in popularity as an effective Mind and Body tool to reduce tension and pain. Feeling the pressure In modern day society we hear [...]

How Somatics can Reduce the Symptoms of Sciatica & Back Pain

In this week’s blog we are going to look into the subject of sciatica and back pain. In order to know how we can tackle the issue, we need to know what it is, how we can prevent it and if we do develop it, what we can do to treat it. Sciatica Sciatica is one of the most common types of pain, however many people have very little understanding about it. In today’s blog we will delve into the subject [...]

The Power of Pain, Perception, Emotion and Moving Forward

In this week’s blog we are going to look into the area of pain and why some people feel pain to a greater degree than others. We will consider how the brain interprets pain and what we can do to reduce the symptoms. Pain According to The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is defined as ‘an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. It is not just a physical sensation. It is influenced [...]

The Importance of Belly Breathing for Stress & Pain Reduction

In this week’s blog I am going to discuss the strong link between stress, pain and belly breathing. You will learn how stress occurs within our mind and body, how this translates to pain and why belly breathing is an important approach to reversing many stress and pain related issues. Stress Stress certainly doesn’t need much of an introduction. We have all endured various levels of stress in our life and we can guarantee it will occur again. But is it [...]

How your Emotions and Mindset can influence Back Pain

In today’s blog I am going to explain why there is a strong link between emotions, mindset and back pain. Over the years in my clinical practice I have seen a strong correlation between a client’s mindset, daily habits, behaviours and their level of pain. To support my own discovery, copious amounts of research has and continues to be released. Let’s look at why they are all related….. The mind - body connection If you are a regular reader of my [...]