Creating Healthy Habits for Good Physical & Mental Health

In today’s blog we are going to discover how creating healthy habits is imperative for good physical and mental health. The Close Link between Physical & Mental Health The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program ( looks at mindset, mindfulness, somatic movement and nutrition in great detail. The knowledge you gain within the program heightens your awareness to how your mind and body are closely connected, you cannot deal with one exclusively. I am sure you have experienced [...]

The Neuroscience of Somatic Mindfulness

The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program involves mindfulness throughout the program. In today’s blog we are going to delve into the fascinating world of neuroscience and see the link between how our brain works with Somatic Mindfulness. The Importance of Mindfulness If you have been following my Total Somatics FREE Challenge or are planning to, you will know from the videos and material I supply how important Mindfulness is in our daily life. The fantastic labour saving [...]

Creating a Healthy Somatic Mindset during Stressful Times

In last week’s blog I provided practical tools to help you through challenging times. In this week’s blog we are going to look at how we can create somatic mindfulness during stressful times. Modern day challenges We are fortunate to live at a time where labour saving devices have made life very convenient. We are also able to talk to people from the other side of the world with modern technology. However we have also developed a greater sense or urgency [...]

How Important is Posture? Are Posture and Pain Related?

You may read this blog title and immediately say yes! You are correct! However in this week’s blog we are going to look at how posture and pain can change according to many factors. We will look at various postures and learn how we can change the habits we develop which may be contributing towards pain. Posture In my clinical practice I see a lot of clients and the most common questions are, “What is a good posture? How should I [...]

The Power of Somatics with Stress, Anxiety & Pain Relief

During the last week I have had a lot of emails regarding my recent blogs discussing emotion and back pain. The questions and queries have come from people who suffer with anxiety, stress and depression. Also many partners of depressed/anxious loved ones have reached out to me. The common thread with their questions links back to muscular pain and tightness associated with dis-empowering beliefs and overwhelming feelings. In today’s blog I am going to discuss with you how Somatics is [...]