How to Release Tight Hips & Back Pain WITHOUT Stretching

Hello! How are you this week? xx As we approach 'Somatic in September' I wanted to share this week and next week's podcast episodes, delving into how to release tight hips and ease back pain WITHOUT stretching and replacing it with the 3 step brain training technique I teach in Total Somatics called PANDICULATION. In this week's podcast, I delve into the science of stretching and how it doesn't help our longterm muscle health, rather, it hinders rehab, recovery and [...]

The Impact of Stress on your Body

Hello! How are you? xx Thank you for continuing to send some wonderful suggestions for future podcast episodes, I am planning in the background the episodes for you! If you would like me to cover some of your burning questions within the area of Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness, please send your questions to me at and I will create future episodes. The weeks are fast approaching towards our special month together, September. Every year for many [...]

How to Create a Flexible Nervous System for Improved Wellbeing

Hello! How are you? How has your week been so far? A huge thank you to so many of you for your lovely comments and feedback regarding my podcasts and the content I am creating for you. It really warms my heart to hear how the content is just what you need. Please keep sending your requests for future podcasts, I love being able to unpack such an amazing area of health and wellbeing. Somatic [...]

The Connection between Neck Pain & Dysfunctional Breathing

Hello! How are you? xx Over the weekend, I was fortunate to be able to teach Clinical Somatics to health practitioners in beautiful Perth, Western Australia. In future podcast epsiodes, I will share how wonderful it is to teach practitioners and the profound effects many have experienced. SPECIAL EVENT: JOIN ME IN SEPTEMBER! If you are interested in spending a month with me focusing on Clinical Somatic Movement to ease pain and improve mobility, keep September ear marked! I will reveal more [...]

How your Emotional Wellbeing Shapes your Body

Hello! How are you? xx I hope your week is going well. We have lots of exciting events happening in the coming months, so behind the scenes we are planning lots for you! If you are interested in spending a month with me focusing on Clinical Somatic Movement to ease pain and improve mobility, keep September ear marked! I will reveal more information to you in the coming months. To stay up to date with [...]