Learn to SLOW DOWN

Hello! How are you? xx A huge thank you for all your amazing comments over the last few weeks, I have been amazed and touched by your comments, thank you xx As you read this, my husband and I are currently flying back home to Australia after spending time with our family, due to the world situation, it has been 5 years since we have spent time with them. We don't like to leave it that long. It [...]

Weed out negative thoughts

Hello xxHow are you? A huge thank you for your incredible messages and also thank you for sharing your private stories with me, it means so much to know you can confide in me and find support within the Total Somatics membership. If you recently joined the Total Somatics Membership, welcome! You may have joined me for the LIVE orientation tour. If not, please look in your email inbox for the REPLAY link. As always, if [...]

Decode your Movement & Posture

Hello! How are you? Thank you so much for your lovely messages, It has been wonderful hearing from you. I am so pleased to hear how Mindful in May has already been providing some "eureka" or light bulb moments with your daily habits and activities. As always, if a question is stimulated from my videos, please reach out to me at support@totalsomatics.com. I love hearing from you and answering your burning questions. Special announcement The Total [...]

What feeds you and what drains you?

Hello! How are you? I am so excited to be starting this special month with you. This month, Total Somatics is carrying the theme of 'Mindful in May.' Every year I love holding this theme in May because it provides a great way to reset and recalibrate for the second half of the year. To begin our theme, I would like to introduce you to Melanie Cool. She recently held a workshop for The Total Somatics members [...]

Frame your Mindset

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week xx As we approach the beginning May, I am really excited to be sharing this special month with you! Every year, Total Somatics holds the theme of Mindful in May. It is a great way to recalibrate and reset for the second half of the year. Bearing this in mind, I have created a podcast episode to get you and I ready for [...]