Decode your Movement & Posture
Hello! How are you? Thank you so much for your lovely messages, It has been wonderful hearing from you. I am so pleased to hear how Mindful in May has already been providing some "eureka" or light bulb moments with your daily habits and activities. As always, if a question is stimulated from my videos, please reach out to me at I love hearing from you and answering your burning questions.
Special announcement
The Total Somatics REGISTRATION OPENS this weekend
Don't delay, join over the 2 day period of 21st-23rd May.

TO JOIN the Total Somatics membership,
Latest podcast
In this week's podcast, I decode your movement and posture. If you have the opportunity to stand up and explore movement and posture with me in this episode, please do because it will increase your awareness to how important it is to find neutral with your posture and create a balanced pattern of movement.
TO WATCH this week's podcast,
Decode your Movement & Posture, CLICK HERE
TO LISTEN to this week's podcast,
Decode your Movement & Posture, CLICK HERE
From Saturday 21st May to Monday 23rd May, I will be opening registration for The Total Somatics membership. The membership doors will then close and I will then be taking new and existing members through an orientation tour of the membership. So if you have been wondering whether to join or not, here is your opportunity!
TO JOIN the Total Somatics membership,
Check out some of the comments from
The Total Somatics members

CLICK HERE to watch videos of Total Somatics members from around the world and how it has enriched their life.

Come and join me and the AMAZING members from around the world. It is a community that is positive and proactive in the areas of health and wellbeing. If you enjoy my FREE content, imagine how much more you can enjoy within the membership! The membership is packed with a variety of resources to serve you with your health and wellbeing intentions.

CLICK HERE to join the Total Somatics membership.
Don't delay, join over the 2 day period of 21st-23rd May.
Have a wonderful week.
I look forward to welcoming you into the Total Somatics membership.
All my love & best wishes,
Heidi Hadley xx