The art of listening to your body: Pandiculation

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a great week and keeping well. It has been a brilliant week, connecting and answering many of your questions. Plus for members within The Total Somatics Membership, I announced within The Members' Private Facebook group a new feature coming to the membership very soon. If you are a member and at this point not within The Members' Private Facebook group, please email and we will invite [...]

The impact of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness

Hello! How is your week going? I hope you are all keeping well xx This week there will be a slight change to the podcast in this blog. Recently I was interviewed by two therapists from the USA, Petey Silveira and Sarah Burnett. Within their podcast, they interviewed me and I discussed how the combination of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness are having a profound effect on people around the world. With members from [...]

How to improve back pain & movement

Hello! How are you? These weekly blogs come round very quickly! I would like to say thank you to many of you that have contacted me this week, it is so encouraging to see photos and hear wonderful reports of how Total Somatics is creating huge shifts, changes and transformations in your life. Always remember, your amazing mind and body has such intelligence and capacity to heal, improve, always aiming for a state of balance. [...]

Your questions, ANSWERED!

Hello! How has your week been? I have recently had a flurry of questions arrive in my inbox regarding Total Somatics. I love hearing your questions because the more you learn and practice skills about how your amazing mind and body work, the more you feel empowered and informed about your health and wellbeing. Regularly I hold Q&A sessions for the members within the memberships so we can get specific. It is a great way to [...]

The countdown begins!

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a good week and keeping well. I wanted to reach out to you to let you know that The Total Somatics LIVE Experience begins this week, from Monday 25th- Sunday 31st January. During this week, I will be holding LIVE workshops (also available on Replay).  Total Somatics has members and subscribers globally, so to accommodate different time zones, I will be holding LIVE workshops at different times so I can connect with as many of [...]