Gain FOCUS & CLARITY with your Health & Wellbeing

Hello again!! I hope you have been enjoying this 3 part mini series. I love sharing how Total Somatics has been creating huge shifts and changes in people's lives around the world. Very soon, at 12.01am Melbourne/Sydney time on Saturday 20th November until Monday 22nd November 11.59pm Pacific time, I will be opening The Total Somatics Membership doors for the final time in 2021. If you have any questions you would like me to answer, CLICK HERE [...]

Total Somatic Movement for Self Care & Healing

Hello, how are you? I hope you have had a good week. As we approach the end of another year, many are feeling tired and running on empty. With the way the world has flipped since March 2020, there is even more pressure on many levels people have to contend with. That is why, more than ever, a regular self care routine/ritual is so important for your emotional, mental, physical and energetic health and wellbeing. As many of [...]

The difference between Total Somatics, Yoga & Pilates

Hello! How are you? If you joined me for The Total Somatics LIVE Experience, thank you for taking time out to learn what is really going on underneath your skin. Also learning and experiencing how you have the innate properties to create changes in the way your brain and body work with each other. It has been great to teach so many of you from around the world how to start reading the feedback from [...]

Movement is Medicine

Hello! How are you? I am really looking forward to meeting as many of you online as possible next week for The Total Somatics LIVE Experience: Release Tension & Reduce Pain. This FREE 3 part workshop series will be very practical and there will be more time experiencing the benefits of Total Somatic Movement. In other workshops I have covered a large amount of theory and then moved in to the practical. In this series, [...]

How Total Somatics Transforms Lives – Part 1

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week. Thank you for submitting your 2 burning questions, it has been great seeing what you would like to me answer. So please keep your questions coming my way because at the end of September/beginning of October, I will be holding 3 FREE online Workshops which are also available to watch on REPLAY. If you would like to leave 2 burning questions plus receive the LIVE or [...]