The Importance Of Creating A Flexible Nervous System

Hello! How are you? How has your week been so far? I hope everything is running smoothly for you. xx Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and feedback regarding my podcasts. I am so pleased to hear from so many of you, and how various episodes resonate with you, and are needed at just the right time. It has been great to hear from many of you that have started watching the podcast episodes on [...]

How to Create a Flexible Nervous System for Improved Wellbeing

Hello! How are you? How has your week been so far? A huge thank you to so many of you for your lovely comments and feedback regarding my podcasts and the content I am creating for you. It really warms my heart to hear how the content is just what you need. Please keep sending your requests for future podcasts, I love being able to unpack such an amazing area of health and wellbeing. Somatic [...]

The importance of “Slow”

Hello, how are you?! I hope you are keeping well xx Many of you would have enjoyed having an extra few days off over the long weekend and embraced the feeling of slowing down. Interestingly, that flows in really well with this week's podcast! This week I am releasing a podcast episode which I was recently asked to be interviewed on. It was with Loretta Hart and Rebekkah Finnigan. Loretta asked me to join her [...]

How to influence your Nervous System to improve your Wellbeing

Hello! How have you been recently? I hope you are well. This week my podcast episode is a bit of a geek fest!! I will delving into your AMAZING brain and how it is constantly adapting to what we take in and practice. Within this week's episode, I discuss areas of your brain and how they interact with each other throughout your day. You will learn how powerful Total Somatic Movement practice is and how [...]

How Mindful Somatic Movement influences your Nervous System

I have received lovely emails and feedback recently from readers around the world about my blogs. They have loved hearing about the brain and how somatics supports various areas of their Central Nervous System. So today we are going to look at an area I have often referred to in previous blogs, The Limbic System. The Limbic system is the part of the brain involved with behavioural and emotional responses. It is involved with survival such as feeding, reproducing, caring [...]