Creating an inner calm when life is chaotic

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping well.In recent months, I have been asked to hold online workshops and sessions for businesses around the world. One of the most popular topics I have been asked to discuss and teach on, is how to create an inner calm when life is chaotic. So in order for you to benefit, I thought I would create a podcast episode delving into this subject. If you would like [...]

Learning how to Improve your Posture & Reduce your Pain

Hello! How are you? Wow! Last week was pretty action packed! I hope you were able to enjoy The 5 day Total Somatics LIVE Experience. It has been amazing hearing from you all and connecting with so many of you within the temporary private Facebook group for the event. The transformations and 'ah ha' moments have been wonderful to hear about too. The membership doors opened for a few days during the event and [...]

The Self Management of Chronic Pain

Hello there! How are you? Thank you to many of you for your lovely comments about my podcasts. It is so nice to hear many of you are having those "aha" moments, gaining a deeper insight in to why you have recurring pain and more importantly knowing, learning and applying the skills taught within Total Somatics to reduce your pain, improve your posture, increase your mobility and gain a deeper level of awareness to your daily [...]

Brain Plasticity, Somatic Movement & Visualisation

Hello, How are you? I hope you are having a good week.As a regular reader of my blogs and a listener to my Podcast, you will know how incredibly adaptable and versatile your AMAZING brain is. I have a few exciting announcements to make which will allow you to fully appreciate the power you have within your beautiful Soma. Firstly, this week's podcast will delve into the subjects of Brain Plasticity, Somatic Movement & Visualisation. [...]

The Total Somatics LIVE Experience is coming to you!

Hello everyone! I am really excited to be announcing the upcoming details for the Total Somatics LIVE Experience. If you read my recent blog, you will know Total Somatics' Theme for January is: "Recalibrate, Reset & Reframe for 2021" To create Focus, Clarity and Momentum as we move forward in to 2021, I will be holding The Total Somatics LIVE Experience. You have the option of joining me LIVE for the workshops or you can watch them back on [...]