Why Movement is Medicine

Over the years whilst teaching clients about Somatic movement I have often use the expression “Movement is Medicine.” It is an expression I use often within my social media posts too (Instagram: total.somatics and Facebook: @totalsomatics). In today’s blog we are going to look at why movement is medicine. Mental Health Awareness I am sure you would agree we live at a time where mental health is being discussed openly and barriers are being broken down. However it is always good [...]

Your Mind & Body Connection

In this week’s blog we are going to explore the close connection between your mind and body and why you should consider them both when you want to address your health issues and goals. The Close Connection Your mind and body are very closely connected, the one heavily influences the other. Consider for a moment, when you have suffered with emotional or mental struggles and felt completely overwhelmed and low, did you notice how it impacted on your body? Maybe it [...]

Mindful in May – Week 3

I hope you are enjoying your mindful practise and have had a good week. This week we are going to add another level of mindfulness and somatic awareness to your daily activities. Check out my 1 minute video below and then let me explain more. Our breath rate is a reflection of our central nervous system. If we notice we have short shallow breathing (which is not due to pregnancy or health related issues), we can actively slow down the stress [...]

The Power of Pandiculation

In todays’ blog we are going to look at why the three step process used within Somatics known as pandiculation helps to release chronically tight muscles which reduces pain, allows you to move freely and improves your posture. Pandiculation Pandiculation is such a funky word and It rolls off the tongue! Pandiculation is the 3 step process used within somatics to release chronically tight muscles to allow for free movement, improved posture and a reduction in pain. Let me explain what [...]

The Benefits of Mindful Somatic Movement

In today’s blog we are going to look at how Mindful Somatic Movement is beneficial on many levels. If you are a regular reader of my weekly blogs you will know that Somatic Movement is fantastic for reducing pain, improving posture, increasing mobility and allowing people to continue or resume activities they love to do. However today we will look at how Mindful Somatic Movement can work on a deeper level. The Benefits of Improving Awareness Mindful Somatic Movement is very [...]