Nervous System Regulation & Nature

Hello! How is the start of 2024 going for you? xx I know from my end, after a lovely summer holiday, it then turned dramatically. It has been one of the most stressful and traumatic periods of my life. However, things are starting to turn a positive corner and in time, I will share more. xx One thing I can assure you is that I have applied many of the Total Somatics Nervous System regulation strategies that I [...]

Motion is Lotion

Hello! How are you? I hope you are able to find some time to rest and recuperate during a very busy time of the year! Thank you for all your comments and questions after last week's blog. Please keep your comments and questions flowing to me at In this week's podcast, I delve into the incredible world underneath your skin and in particular in this episode, I geek on on your AMAZING brain! You will learn [...]

Habitual Thinking Traps

Hello! How are you? I hope amongst all the chaos, you are keeping well and resting. xx As we draw towards a busy time of the year, we may be placed in very challenging situations. Family dynamics can be very challenging and especially if certain members of the family are hypersensitive, catastrophising, provocative or negative in their words and actions. Within this week's podcast, I delve into the 5 common Habitual Thinking Traps. If we are aware of [...]

Nutrition for a Healthy Mind & Body

Hello! How are you? I hope your week is going smoothly and you are keeping well. xx Thank you for all your feedback from last week's podcast with Melanie Cool and the interest in a retreat in the future. Today, I would like to share another wonderful health expert who would also be involved in a retreat, Rebekkah Finnigan. If you are interested in attending a Total Somatics retreat in the future, please let me know via [...]

Growing Stronger After Stressful & Traumatic Events

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx It has been wonderful welcoming new friends into the Total Somatics Membership. It has been great to connect with so many of you since you joined. You will find the membership such a huge support with so many resources to offer you with various learning styles and techniques. If you didn't join the Total Somatics Membership this time round, CLICK HERE to join the WAIT LIST and [...]