How Mindful Somatic Movement influences your Nervous System

I have received lovely emails and feedback recently from readers around the world about my blogs. They have loved hearing about the brain and how somatics supports various areas of their Central Nervous System. So today we are going to look at an area I have often referred to in previous blogs, The Limbic System. The Limbic system is the part of the brain involved with behavioural and emotional responses. It is involved with survival such as feeding, reproducing, caring [...]

How to Reduce Stress & Recuperate with Somatics

When working with clients who have or continue to suffer with stress, anxiety or trauma involves a great deal of empathy, kindness and developing a delicate manner. Stress and trauma creates a huge impact on the nervous system. It changes the actions and behaviour of the muscular system due to the influence the limbic system (CLICK HERE to read more) and the postural reflexes have on a soma (whole person, mind and body). To read more about postural stress reflexes, [...]

Getting to the ROOT CAUSE of Pain & Stress with Somatics

Somatic Movement and Education continues to mushroom in popularity as an approach to reducing pain and improving mobility throughout the world. The powerful effects felt from Somatics is thanks to our amazing mind and body, in particular our nervous system. In this blog, we are going to look at what the main parts of our nervous system do and how Somatics can help support a healthy and resilient soma (mind and body). In order to fully understand your amazing soma, [...]

How Stress impacts on your Mind and Body. How Somatics can help.

At some point in your life you will suffer with stress and anxiety. At times, events can be very difficult and the stress can last for a long time. When you do suffer with stress, many neurophysiological changes happen. In today’s blog we will look at how stress can affect your neurophysiology and how Somatics can help. The Effects of Stress As a Clinical Somatics Educator, I will often see the effects of stress within a clinical session or a movement [...]

The Important Link Between Your Nervous System & Immune System

In this week’s blog we are going to consider the strong link between your nervous system and immune system. We will consider how Somatics can help with improving the function of these two amazingly intricate systems. Your Amazing Soma If you are a regular reader of my blogs you will know that I often refer to your mind and body as your Soma. In Somatics we refer to the soma as a huge sensory organism which absorbs emotions, experiences, habits, behaviours, [...]