How to Improve Hip, Back and Knee Issues

In my clinical practice, I see many clients suffering with varying degrees of hips, back and knee issues. They are often in pain and have had investigations which highlight there are no structural abnormalities. As a result of no significant findings, they are puzzled and unsure what to do next. In today’s blog we are going to look at why pain and discomfort can occur in these areas and learn how we can remedy the issue. Labels and Limiting beliefs Many [...]

The Neuroscience of Somatic Mindfulness

The Total Somatics Approach to Health & Wellness Online Program involves mindfulness throughout the program. In today’s blog we are going to delve into the fascinating world of neuroscience and see the link between how our brain works with Somatic Mindfulness. The Importance of Mindfulness If you have been following my Total Somatics FREE Challenge or are planning to, you will know from the videos and material I supply how important Mindfulness is in our daily life. The fantastic labour saving [...]

The Importance Of Good Posture & Muscle Control For Exercise

This time of the year, there are many people working on their new year’s resolutions. One of those resolutions is to get fit and toned. In this week’s blog we are going to consider the importance of good posture and muscle control for exercise. Posture The way we hold ourselves and the level of tension we exert on our muscles has a positive or negative effect on our body. If we are mindful of our posture and how we move our [...]

Practice & Persistence Makes Permanence

The old expression “Practice makes Perfect” is unrealistic and unattainable. In today’s blog we are going to consider how creating a healthy daily Somatics practice will create a permanent habit with the help of Neuroplasticity. Move Away From Perfectionism If you are a regular reader of my blogs, currently using my online program or are partaking in the Total Somatics Free Challenge, you know how I encourage you to move away from perfectionism. Firstly practice will not make you perfect, it’s [...]

The Total Somatics FREE Challenge

I hope the first few days of 2019 has been a good start for you. To support your new year intentions and resolutions, I am really excited to announce The Total Somatics FREE Challenge. I wanted to create a challenge which will provide skills and knowledge to help towards designing a 2019 full of good health and wellness. Would you like to learn skills which will reduce your pain, improve posture, increase mobility and allow you to return to the [...]