Creating & Maintaining a Resilient Mindset

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? xx I have returned this week to seeing my clients in clinic after our holidays. It is great to get back into the rhythm of serving clients in person and also online. If you are within The Total Somatics Membership, I look forward to our upcoming workshop in which I will delve in to the glutes, hips and lower back in greater detail. You would have [...]

Pandiculation, Stretching & Your Nervous System

Hello! I hope you have had a good couple of weeks since I last wrote to you. xx We have recently returned from a summer holiday in Tasmania. It was lovely to enjoy the beautiful countryside and some of the cleanest air in the world. Whilst we were there, we enjoyed the quiet time and felt how nature, silence and walking really helped to regulate our nervous system. By the end of the year, it is [...]

Releasing Tension & Rib Rigidity after a Chest Infection

Hello! How are you? xx Here in Australia, we are looking forward to warmer, drier weather because over the long, wet winter, people have been experiencing many recurring respiratory infections. However, in the northern hemisphere, winter has arrived and keeping boosted with your immunity is important. If you experience any respiratory ailments, you will know how impacted your breathing can become after bouts of coughing, sneezing and sleeping upright to ease the coughing fits. This can [...]

Raising Awareness to Men’s Mental Health with Special Guest, Simon Rinne

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week so far. xx Recently, on Saturday 19th November 2022, it was International Men's day. A day to appreciate men and how they have enriched our lives with their positive and proactive traits. It is an ideal opportunity to focus on men and in particular their wellbeing. So I decided to celebrate International Men's Day by inviting Simon Rinne from Mindful Men to Somatic [...]