How your Mindset filters your Perception

Hello! I hope you are having a great week xx We have just finished week 2 of 4 of our theme "Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatic Movement" for Somatic in September. It has been fantastic seeing and hearing people's comments. Here are just a few lovely comments and it is great to hear people are already feeling the results: If you would like to join, you are still more than welcome to. The REPLAYS will be [...]

The Benefits of Total Somatic Mindfulness

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week! xx As you may be aware, Somatic in September has started and it has been fantastic to hear from many of you and how Total Somatic Movement is already creating improvements. If you would like to join, you are still more than welcome to get involved in this month, being fully focused on your health & wellbeing! The LIVE zoom and REPLAY links will continue to [...]

Release Tight Hips & Ease Back Pain WITH PANDICULATION

Hello! How are you? xx It is not long until I begin this year's 'Somatic in September' theme! For the entire month of September, I will be delving into each module of the popular digital course "Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatics." I will cover your questions, challenges and create bonuses. To take part, purchase the digital course and you will automatically be sent the zoom and replay links. If you are a [...]

How to Release Tight Hips & Back Pain WITHOUT Stretching

Hello! How are you this week? xx As we approach 'Somatic in September' I wanted to share this week and next week's podcast episodes, delving into how to release tight hips and ease back pain WITHOUT stretching and replacing it with the 3 step brain training technique I teach in Total Somatics called PANDICULATION. In this week's podcast, I delve into the science of stretching and how it doesn't help our longterm muscle health, rather, it hinders rehab, recovery and [...]

The Impact of Fear & Feedback on your Mind & Body

Hello! How are you? Have you had a good week? It has been an action packed week this end! As always, I have been seeing clients in clinic as well as being a guest speaker for workshops in the USA, UK, Australia, Singapore and Canada! It is so lovely to connect with people around the world and share the transformative effects of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness. Within the membership, there have been amazing [...]