Raising Awareness to Men’s Mental Health with Special Guest, Simon Rinne

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week so far. xx Recently, on Saturday 19th November 2022, it was International Men's day. A day to appreciate men and how they have enriched our lives with their positive and proactive traits. It is an ideal opportunity to focus on men and in particular their wellbeing. So I decided to celebrate International Men's Day by inviting Simon Rinne from Mindful Men to Somatic [...]

The Power of your Sixth Sense

Hello! How are you? How is your week going? Before I introduce you to my podcast for this week, I wanted to share 2 upcoming events with you. The Total Somatics LIVE Experience 2022 Every year I hold this FREE event online. It is a great time to Rest, Recalibrate & Recuperate as we end this year and embrace a new year of good health and happiness. Here is a brief video explaining what The Total Somatics LIVE Experience will [...]

The Importance of Internal Awareness

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a lovely week. xx Before I share this week's podcast with you, I would love to invite you to the annual FREE online event in November - The Total Somatics LIVE Experience! The Total Somatics LIVE Experience covers the areas of health and wellbeing with a Total Somatic approach. Notice with this video how The Total Somatics LIVE Experience can support you in November and beyond! https://vimeo.com/totalsomatics/liveexperience TO LEARN MORE & JOIN, CLICK [...]

How your Brain Stress Centre Influences You

Hello! How are you?! xx It has been so wonderful to hear all your brilliant results from the Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatic Movement series. If you would still like to part of this lovely focused month of "Somatic in September" you are really welcome. You have the ability to download all the previous LIVE workshops and the opportunity to join me LIVE this weekend. If you are unable to watch LIVE, you will [...]